Wednesday 12 September 2012

Back At It Again!

Not even gonna stay on here long.

Back from my year out in Cuba and summer with friends....

Not gonna lie and say I'm happy to go back to life and back to reality....

La Vida Es Así 

As you will soon see, I am now campaigning to be an official inglesacubana, dual citezenship

#dreambig #esosisuenacomoseve

Yes. I tweet. Yes. I #hashtag too.


Thats right. Koolaid.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Soooo......When did it decide to become February 2012 without me?


I'm sawwwwwreeeeee guys!

I am officially so far beyond behind in updating this blog I'm basically still stuck in 2011!

So, lets get right to it shall we with a round up of the end of the year highlights.

I flipping turned 21 WOIIIIIIII!

Had a candle in my blondie icecream sundae!

-praise break moment-  We say Halleluh!  [ FYI pronounced hallay-loo, as by me and my cousin] Another year, another milestone in my life and I'm still here!

Actually happened in Spain, pretty crappy, best memory is from my work colleague, lover her to bits!

Celebrated it @FrankieandBennys with some of my lovelies:

UoM/VO crew and Cator Gyaldem represented! 

It was definitely memorable, but can't forget on Xmas day my whole family gave me a belated 21st to remember! It was an amazing xmas/bday <3



Lets face it-
unless you're rich on the raving/house party scene 
are guaranteed a good night and or a midnight kiss 
or are going to church to ring in the new year 

Its destined to be a let down.

I am NOT standing up in the cold to watch fireworks in central and sing Auld Lang Syne [ Didn't think I knew bout them ones huh? well SATC is good for more than clothes boi! ] with a bunch of strangers and not get home till the 2nd of January because of wall to wall rammoutness YES I invented an adverb ] no sir!
And me and raving have moved from friends to occasional acquaintances so....

I spent it with my cousins watching movies films and eating, and with my camera:

my love affair with b&w

chicken pizza, chicken wings, garlic bread and fries for 3!

Raise your glass and cheers to dat! -Soft drinks only tonight boi!

baby cuz no longer a baby

3 2 1 ... 2 0 1 2
 It was over before it even began, typical, another year gone, like I wasn't even present for 2011.....

Newest updates of the new year:

  • 10 days till Havana is my new home!
  • Camera affair continues
  • Christianity renewed
  • Baking addiction/affliction/affection has arrived!

Oatmeal rasin cookies and cupcakes are my new speciality, beware. Don't judge them by how they look, they may as well be laced with sugar-crack.....

So yea, Cuba is the new frontier I eagerly await!

I'm gonna end this post on the happiest end note of 2011, the year of the 21!

Moment 4 Life