Friday 23 May 2014

Toronto in 3 days: Day 1 (pictures added later)

So I decided to be extra brave and go on a solo blow out to Toronto so I can see Niagara before I come back home (and face everybody cussing me asking what on earth I was doing instead of seeing one of Canada's most famous features). To make sure I came I booked tickets to see one of my favourite singers - Kim Walker - in concert in another part of Toronto. Lord knows I'm not about to be wasting no money. I don't know how my wifi situation will be and I didn't bring my laptop so I'll be writing most of this on my phone as and when it happens. So here I am and here I go:

Day 1

* (technically the night before) Ottawa Bus Station Cringe *
I HATE having to sleep in public - with a passion - because I choose to budget travel cross- country like the student I am. 4 hours at the station waiting for the 1am bus (there was a ticket mix up etc - not my fault though #letsbeclear) means passing the time by going to sleep across three chairs with only 3 people in the seating area with you... then waking up to find its rammout, unable to open one eye but clearly seeing through the other one that one of the people opposite you extra close range seeing you with your crusty 'I woke up like dis' face is a #spice (if you know, you know, if you don't, UrbanDic). In short, peak times.

* The Downtown Toronto Bus Station *

(Bearing in mind its grey and probs gonna rain) Am I on the wrong side of town or something? Toronto is ghetts man, straight ghett- to the - to. This is like the grimey end of Peckham or Penge or Moss Side.....

* Niagra Falls Town and Bus Station *
Everyone said this town was tacky, in the best and worst way... well we can all imagine what tacky looks like when you get it wet. So far Niagara is looking a hot mess in this rain smh...

I took a moment to silently list all the people (you lot KNOW who you are lol) who made me think coming here would be a good idea.

Can't even lie, the weather forecast on my phone gassed me up. Talking about 40% change of rain. In Outaouais no one is here for 40%. That might as well mean sunshine guaranteed. Even with 80% we still managed a heatwave. Toronto however, takes 40% as 400% definite. See me here shivering in leggings, crying inside because my bag is full of shorts, skirts, a dress and no tights. What. Is. My. Life.

According to the Niagra H.I. (Hostelling International) receptionist, there's gonna be fireowrks at the falls tonight so I might be that Brave New Girl (oh heeeey Mr. George! - private joke, hope he gets it) and go have a look-see.

* Dad's Diner *

An army of drenched adolescents are currently marching past the window while I sip my coffee. This weather has definitely flat-lined any of my #MissIndependentGirlWonder escapades for the minute. I'm all for seeing the falls but getting soaked to the bone - ain't nobody got time fo' that!

In other news. It may be crappy outside but as usual the food is on and poppin! North American breakfasts and their glorious portions are just excellent (they would almost take the crown if I didn't love Jamaican breakfasts so much....). This may also be why I might be bringing back a friend - an extra thick chin lol - when I come home in a couple of weeks. Who could eat this kind of breakfast daily?!

* General Positive Observation *

On the upside, Tdot is slyly an international #spice market (again, if you know...). Maybe even on the same level as Montreal. Well done.

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