Wednesday 2 May 2018

Snapshots From: Starting A New Job

That day one arrival when you finally get hired so you can come out of your house in the brand new work clothes that you bought but can’t afford yet (but you don’t care).

Sailing through training with flying colours because you have a beautiful voice, lovely telephone manner, and calm disposition. At work.

That first paycheck purchase of something that wasn’t second hand, on sale or from Primark.

That glorious moment when the trainer lets everyone leave work at 4pm instead of 5 because he's so chill and work is apparently not that serious. Little do you know that after training it is that serious and this will never happen again.

First week out of training speaking to actual real people, doing the job you were hired for and realising the training equipped you for absolutely nothing and you can’t leave.

Trying to convince friends and loved ones that handing in your notice after 2 weeks/months because you hate/are terrible at this job is a totally viable option to pursue as a certified adult.

When you realise, sadly, that this in face *isn't* the job, field, profession or career path for you.

And finally, when you learn to stop letting the job you don't really like break you down because you have bills to pay and a life to live (give or take a few anxiety attacks in the bathroom or en route to work for the first two months).

Since I’ve shared what I went through being unemployed, I figured I’d also share with you some of what I experienced during my “bounceback” - when I eventually got a new job. Just for background - In 2017 I was working, passed an interview in February, got fired in March, and was unable to start my new job till September. By that point whatever job I got I would have been happy, let alone the one I’d been waiting on for so long.

Let me just say, the things you feel, and the people you meet in stepping stone jobs can be so unbelievable, you start looking back at unemployment like...was it really even that bad?

And of course, asking yourself - do I really need this job right now?

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