Friday 4 July 2014

Bare Witness

Anyone who doesn't know why I called my blog Chronically-Awkward that can only mean one of two things:

  1. We've never met.
  2. You don't know me well enough to have seen/you haven't had the opportunity to suffer through a random bout of my awkwardness.

 Don't believe me? Well look, this person is my friend, but even typing I get myself into awkward situations. This time for the whole of social media to see.

Here's a comparative analysis (or maybe not, I'm just throwing around words I vaguely understand - practice for when I go back to writing essays at uni) to prove my point:


My Friend


I'm as awkward as a bald headed step-child at a family reunion. 

Oh well. 
It's Friday today, so on to the next.....

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