Tuesday 12 October 2010

Only a short victory post...(Monique)

I had a poor excuse for a weekend and a rubbish start to the week, minimal work done, no money in the bank, left my uni bus pass at church, made a batch of festival (basically sweet fried dough) that I desperately want to throw up right this second! AND, I spilt tomato soup on my phone

I  now have wireless broadband, so Sky can SUCK IT!!!!!!!!!

But p*ssed because I'm the only house mate that can get access, Windows 7 yes boy!! No dusty Vista over here mate hahaaa

On a slightly happier still note, here is my loot (aka free/discount crap) from the Arndale Student Giveaway (aka lets swindle students day)

YES! (that includes a free tin of beans and free pasta..dont judge, that made me pasta bake and beans and bacon)

Today, I also took time out to give back, and do my bit at the Manchester Uni Stop Aids Society charity clothes swap/bake sale. £1.30 donated by yours truly (what was in my purse basically), then left behind some old clothes, came out with a size 12 Dorothy Perkins blazer and a top from Bay.


how have you guys been getting on?


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