Monday 17 October 2011


Right, there seems to be a very present LGBT community in lil old Badajoz- which actually fully shocks me.
For instance, one of the first friends I made over here happens to have a transexual girl as a bestie, lovely as she is, that was a first for me. I mean, at uni sure, I've seen and met a lot trans people before but to make friends and see what they are like and their dynamics etc was.....interesting.....but yea.

Then, on my first day, some dude with long hair leans out of a car and gives me the "Agi-tabi nod" (all cator girls know this), that one that mandem worldwide do in a way of acknowledging your presence, that freakin high chin lift thing. Salute and everything. I kind of waved in some dazedconfused kind of way- turns out, as my housemate later enlightened me, that was a CHICK trying to "pick me up/checking me out".

Bad times

And then, on the bus, minding my beezewax - i.e. headphones in sitting in a 1 person seat, music blaring so there's no one on the bus but me as far as I'm concerned. And the sun roof lid thingy (do I design buses? No. So forgive the lack of vocab) right above me fell and nearly took me out - i.e. sounded like a gunshot when it hit the ground beside me and my earphones popped out from the shock). 2 seconds later a friendly butch lesbian- who may I add was wearing a bangin (I assume men's section) t-shirt, comes up and "rescues" me, moving the object, alerting the bus driver and smiling at me all the way till I got off the bus.

Skeen. Is all I have to say to all of the above.

On another note, moved into a new apartment, didn't get Rebeca's one [gutted], with new flatties-
Niamh, still, Juan (gay, lovely guy!), Jose Luis (straight and taken), {insert name here} Alberto ( so far, I know he's a stoner and die hard extremenyo- flag of the province above his bed. NICENICE)....(who also loves death metal, rap, metal rap and rap metal, but decent guy)

Love the place but see for yourself, tired of typing now (up for work at 6.30 am, 22:08 now, yippeeeeee) and you are probs tired of reading. So scroll and look (you lazy individual- loljokes loveyou!)

As my resident twins (in babies class) often say:

Serious. Bun this I'm goin bed.

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