Friday 14 October 2011


So, Danielle suggested I use this blog to write about my year abroad, and seeing as none of you heifers are using it I'm hijacking it! - This is friendship- RIGHT.

Anyway, over it.
All of you know anyway that I'm in Spain,
for those of you that care, and plan to use Google to see where the heck I am exactly, its the province of Extremadura in Badajoz, aka nooneherespeaksanyenglish-ville. Which is fiiiine, because I'm here to learn right?
Great place, nice and hot - 40 degrees yesterday #justsayin

this place will make you paranoid and racist (Kim/Danielle/Denise/Triona). I swear, my first two weeks in all of these situations:
being the first one asked to clean at work
being sold out at the supermarket by the cashier so the security guard searched my bag
and being stared at,
Two words came to mind - Its because I'm black isn't it. ( You can't say it was some far fetched assumption in the last two cases can you? No.)

Working in a nursery- 
for those of you that care, if not scroll past this bit ( Denise- LOL joke!)
I have the class with 2-3 year olds, and their germs. There's one set of twins, the chubbiest girl alive and one kid who cries so much he ends up drinking like a litre of snot each day, among many others. But they are all adorable, and theres a class for the babies and kids from 4-7. In the big kids class there are these 3 brothers, twins and one younger, who look like a walking ralph lauren adver. No joke, Leo DiCaprio hairstyle from titanic (gel with a sidepart) designer shoes, and shirts tucked into shorts- everytime I see them I sing "who wears short shorts", they dont get it, but then again they dont get that at school in the UK they would get beaten up. Pretty much all the boys in the older kids class are decked out in Ralph or DG right down to their socks- one question- WHERE ARE THEY GOING?! Food stains look the same on normal clothes as they do on Guccci alie?

Living with Niamh (Neev) an irish chick at the moment. There was an american girl who was with us but she found her own place to live and ducked out on us, while we're still looking for a new apartment, and hardly says 2 words to us unless we're at work. Bothered.
Today was the best day here so far! Went to our favourite shop lkhflhjlhjr (oh yeah, if you think I'm telling you cows what its called-UH NO) and bought the cutest shoes and to try on my future dream dress. And we met a spanish basketball team with my future dream babydaddy ( I'm kidding, I am, but I still have eyes dont I?). They were soo jokes! Poor Niamh though, they sent this one joker to translate everything for her and kiss her hand. They were very  pretty, but possibly to young (sad times). But they even live where we work (yesboi! - seriously, I'm kidding).
All in all, a pretty good day!

Update on the flat front:
We went to visit Rebeca, friend of a friend who may have 2 spare rooms for us. I swear down it was meant to be. 150 euros exactly (the max our boss will give us each kmt) for rent, plus internet, huuuge kitchen (compared to the crawl space we have now) and lovely big - may I add bed bug and spider free- bedrooms, aaaaand INTERNET! Which would mean no more roadside facebook. I had no idea how much I missed being able to go online at 3am no questions asked.


Finally, Niamh is slowly but surely infecting my vocabulary with her irish saying such as :
Good luck! - sarcastic or meaning goodbye
Lets bust - lets go
Jesus!! - (say no more)
Lads - guys
Sound - good
Ride as in "He is an absolute Ride" (no joke) - fit/choong etc/he would "get it" (Denise)
Aboy! as in "Aboy tubss!" - yesss tubby! (we say that to some of the kids when we feed them because they are so chubby and eat like bulldozers)
Monster - her nickname for me, after the energy drink we both like.

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