Friday 12 November 2010

LOOOONG Overdue Update (Monique)

Hey World!!!

Ok, this update is practically years overdue after I just belw in and blew out with the whole New York City *fiascoextravaganza*. However, I have returned, so fear not, all will be revealed....

Although, please bare with as photos will probably come later rather than sooner, due to, drumroll please............


Seriously, they need to sort out their lifetime priorities. How are you going to have NO recollection of the acount we set up and activated with you, and NO IDEA how we've had phone or internet for so long, apart from illegally, which we don't know enough about to hook ourselves up to in the first place. If we could do that we wouldn't have bothered with Sky!!! Good Grief! Aren't they the ones who studied telecummunications IT and all that ish, why are WE being told THEY have no clue what's going on!?


and, breathe.

rant over.


Last Night

Went out on a welfare fancy dress social.

Theme: When I Grow Up

My Costume: Sugarplum Fairy

Inspiration: Ms. NickiMinaj

Photos of me in a hot pink wig: Soon come ;P

And finally........................

NYC, is actually, the LIVEST city on the globe. FACT. It never sleeps, and in the words of my illustrious, g-dot, famous, coolkid chic bar-owning uncle Pat:

"If you sittin at home with nothin' to do, don't mean nothin ain't goin on, just means you weren't invited!"

Wise words.

Staying at the Trump Soho hotel, was not a luxury, it brought new definition the the hotel  experience! We even saw the Donald himself filming a commercial in his hotel (Y)!

Highlights of the trip:

Victoria Secret: the underwear is worth the money, they are the most comfortable things ever, and the fragrance range is off the chain!


Grand Central Station: Trafalgar Square/Victoria/Charring Cross Station can all shut up sit down or go home. SNM! When I saw the shoe shiner boys it was game over, too fine!

China Town: home of Amsterdam Boutique (DAMN the clothes fit me so niiiiice!) and Transit!!! The home of my would-be baby daddies/visa husbands! OML I will NEVER love like that again! : (

Cabana Nuevo Latino: banging Cuban restaurant with hot like fya waiters!

Xiao-Ye: my uncle's bar/restaurant. JHEEZE! Menu was too fly...and he gave me a Hennesey Loco (never again).

St. Paul's Cathedral at Ground Zero: There aren't even words,  it was too amazing, when God collaborates with humanity in the face of adversity like that, its always an amazing testament to how we can all come together...truly profound.

....more photos to be added soon.....

In a bit guys xXx

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