Thursday 14 November 2013

That moment when the Zumba instructor tries a new routine and its peak for everybody.....

I know she wants to try new things but just no...

- For those of you that don't know, Wednesday is Zumba day in my ongoing struggle against the winter chubb -

Bless her she wanted to switch it up, and was smiling at us encouragingly as she kept the energy levels pumping. But tbh she was just feeding our illusion that we were hot, sexy (20-70 something) mamas.

Reality would beg to differ Zumba lady. I'm sure the sight of us trying to imitate you once you turned around to face us proved that. So, in future, unless EVERYBODY in the room knows the's just a fail...

For the most part, my Zumba skills are not existent. In the first few classes you just want to die until it's over, and it seems like it will never end. 7 songs, 7 impossible routines, and you basically have to just stand in the back and learn them at your own pace. FYI those in the back have no pace. When you can keep pace you move to the middle. When you can set pace you move to the front. 

This is an unwritten, unspoken rule that all aerobics class attenders know.

I, am at my own/have no pace atm so I pretty much look like this:

Zumba gif

But, unlike this unfortunate but, sadly, accurate gif, there are others like me, thankfully.

My only happiness comes from watching other ladies in my class try, and fail to do body roles


which I already know how to do thanks to being raised on endless Beenie Man, Mr. Vegas and the bogle, as demonstrated by RihRih:


Had me feeling like Chris Tucker in a room full of Jackie Chans!

For those of you that are wondering if GIFs have become a thing. Yes. Yes they have. These visual aids communicate exactly what I want to say, reinforce my points and are flippin hilarious. If no one else gets it, it doesn't even matter yo.

God Bless technology - the only thing to say at a time like this.

To end things - Half Day Thursday tomorrow!!!! If I leave before 2pm I count that as a #WIN.

The way I left at 2:50pm last Thursday was just a joke. Half day and I'm leaving when the last bell rings???


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