Thursday 7 November 2013

Late Updates (2 weeks ago)

Ok so, before we get into it, Ima write myself a mini 'to do list' of all the things I have to blog about. This week and last week were just flippin draining so I haven't had any real energy to blog so I'll catch y'all up now ^^

  1. Do I even remember last week
  2. Thanksgiving madness
  3. Coconuts
  4. Shopping out of control
  5. Carrie
  6. Pumpkin pie changed my life

Do I Even Remember Last Week

Look yeah, let me be honest. Last week was so stressful and so poo that I don't remember anything apart from wanting it to be over. I know my grade 6 classes were being lazy, difficult and disruptive (love how I'm using all of these teacher phrases but all I wanted to shout at them was 'shut your boat!', 'fix up man!' and some of my other favourite S.L. expressions that you basically can't  shout at a bunch of kids). It made me remember how much I hated teenage girls - considering I was one and went to an all girls school, I'm allowed to say this - with all the eye and neck rolling, and the whole oh if my girl is being lazy and not do work I'll talk to her and not do work too. Flip. Sake. I can't tell you about yourself and I can't get you to work. Let this week be over. But, as always, Thursday half-day comes right on time and the weekend begins.

Thanksgiving Madness

The way in which I was determined to make Canadian Thanksgiving good after my week was not serious. Between begging my friend in Sept-Iles to trek all the way to Quebec City to come meet me/us - Basically a small bunch of assistants decided to make our way to QC to spend Thanksgiving there with the other assistants placed there. I, obvioulsy rolled with the LBG - seeing as we had a 4 day weekend, incuding Monday off! We ended up staying two nights in Montreal, two nights in QC.

Montreal. Was. Beautiful.

Went to Schwarts - Celine Dion's famous deli restaurant - for the BEST smoked meat sandwich I have ever had (it was basically the only time though). But, as one of the deli mandem added 'tout est fait avec l'amour'. And trust, I could taste it. So, I told him so. Don't hate, I don't live there, so I can say stupid things with no fear of consequences lol.

Other highlights included going to a University club playing some good old school tunes, being dragged from said club across Montreal at 3/4 am in search of La Banquise, the best poutine in Quebec. Although I was not happy to be trekking all over in the cold, it actually was the best poutine I have ever eaten.

On the downside, we had our car towed. Literally walked to the parking lot and Joe goes 'where's the car?'. Worst 3 words to hear when you are across the country. Queue a long journey to inner-city, hoodrat ends of Montreal to the impound to get the car from the meanest woman in town. 25$ each later and we were on our way to QC....

QC is also, in its own antique/vintage way, as beautiful as Montreal. The Old Town is just gorgeous!

Although it was very easy on the eyes the Thanksgiving plan was in shambles....we basically had no where to go for Thanksgiving dinner due to crappy planning. On the upside unlike our previous prison bunk-mate hostel in Montreal (who had lost our reservation so stuck us in a 10 bed room complete with mystery guests) the QC hostel was to die for (private 5 bed room with our own modern big shower bathroom - those of you who are no stranger to hostels will know this is like the holy grail for all hostels, no disease ridden showers for me!).

In the end we plonked ourselves in a cosy - meaning rammout- restaurant for lunch and toured around in the markets which was loverly.

The whole weekend included several moments of chubbiness including:

the biggest salad I have ever seen and tried to consume
smoked meat sandwhich
a&w burger (they actually look like the picture)
beaver tails ....unwise...smh
poutine (twice)
bubble tea (the rank milk powder version with some funky ass tapioca - the lady's kimono was legit, but her kills, were not)
Maccy D's (the real deal, not the crap we get in England that could never compete with BK)

So all in all we vowed never to eat again. Which lasted about 5 mins.....Building up layers for winter you see....


Just so you know, this little story might be more for me than it is for you. Teaching kids can be soooo hard and I'm seriously trying to figure out if this is what I even want to do with my life. Sometimes I literally just can't, it feels like the definition of insanity....for those of you that live under a rock:

But then sometimes, one kid, or sometimes more will say or do something so cute, or funny or quirky, that I think yea...this is kind of worth it, to get to see this everyday. One of my grade 2 bilingual's zipper was down so when I told him he proceeded to show me he was wearing a 'coquille' by knocking on it like a door. He then explained himself by saying 'I wear it when we play soccer because *insert name here* always kick me in the coconuts'. Now, I don't know why but this little boy had me creaaaaasin! The way he just fired it out ahahahaa! It was too much. And once again the other boy in the group said something interesting and he goes 'shut the front door!'. I'm telling you, when a 6/7 year old says that, funny as hell!

Other good/interesting ones:

  • (teaching them to spell ight words) 'like Shine Bright Like a Diamond, like Rihanna' - said by a girl obvs lol.
  • 'I could change the world with my colouring' - again, a girl.
  • 'Monique. That's my grandma's name.' - Said by two of my students who happen to have exceptional grandmas...
  • 'I have a bunny toy that I sleep with. But it's not mine it's a dead girl's bunny.' - File under W for Weird....From what he explained it used to belong to the girl and he somehow ended up with it, family toy or something...yea....
  • 'Holy moley macaroni I hate apples!' - Just...yea....
  • 'My family call me hard butt because one time my brother elbow me in the butt and break his arm.' - words just lol....
  • 'I didn't read it because I had soooo much stuff to do  but I know what it's about!' - this kid is 8, little do they know, that excuse still works in Uni.....

Shopping Out of Control

So. I have a problem. Paying with plastic is not healthy....neither is student loan.....paying for christmas going to the shopping centre to buy some stuff....

THIS is what buying stuff turns into...

 Stuff. Otherwise known as:

  • 33$ on tights. TIGHTS. Well, needed tights and thermal leggings... I swear, I cave to sales person peer pressure faster than anything.
  • 45$ boots.....
  • other unnecessary yet necessary items.


So, we decided to go cinema, ended up watching Carrie. All I can say is:

  • This is why parents should tell their kids about puberty
  • This is why kids don't shower together in UK schools (what kind of prison style set up is going on across the pond?)
  • American teenage girls (in films) are all evil, and are their sex-crazed boyfriends
  • Never let your daughter date a dodgy older guy
  • Never let your children manipulate you and/or go unpunished
  • Never leave children in care of the mentally ill
  • Don't trust mentally ill people that abuse the Bible or any other religious theology etc...
  • Like Ellen DG says, just be kind to one another

Pumpkin Pie Changed My Life

People, including myself, said it wouldn't work. Obviously we were not North American and had no North American friends. I bought it, I tried it, I loved it. My life has been changeddddd. I'm telling you. On a cold day, with a cup of tea (p.p., tea and autumn weather were made to be friends) doesn't get any better. At least until Christmas.

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