Friday 4 November 2011

Its about that time

I'm going to post about FOOD!
because nothing else holds my interest right now. The best of Spanish gastronomy:

[PAELLA] :3 aka the stuff spanish dreams are made of!!!!

There is only one way to improve on this dish- MORE....more oysters, more prawns, more chicken, and some chorizo [Jojo, my flatmate cant tek chorizo "el oler me mata" so sadtimes for Monique >.< ]

I don't give a MONKEY'S

All cookies should be obsolete from now on! Chips Ahoy is the new world order. That is all.

If wotsits and nik naks came together.....

On the other hand, spanish people seem to think that certain foods can be friends, but they really really cant, its foodcest [food incest].

  • Hotdogs/Perritos Calientes : pavo, pollo, cerdo - turkey chicken and pork....erm, nah! what ever happened                      to 60% pork 40% water, salt and mystery crap?
  • Crisps : Cheese and Ketchup flavour - are you madders?
  • Juice +  Milk : can't even bring myself to comment on that......
  • Apple slices with CHOCOLATE SPREAD - oh the humanity
  • Pork with cheese: just no....
  • Whipped cream flavour : they are obsessed with this culinary abomination!
#I'mjustsayin the furthest I go is dipping celery in peanut butter, but celery is minus calories so go suck a lemon if you feel you wanna say something!

To everyone else 'ta luego! I have officially run out of energy to fuel into my fingers to type.


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