Saturday 26 November 2011

Only Child Time, Madrid, Salamanca and being T-Totalish in a world of Drunkety-Drunk-Drunk

Right, I've decided since it's 4.30pm, and I woke up at 2.30pm (I'll get to that) I should (have to before I hurt something....which I'll get to) take some only child time and hide out in my room - separate dimension in itself- for most the rest of the day.

I only have 4 WEEKS LEFT in Spain before I actually have to go back to the real world....OML.... my list of left to do accomplishments makes me sad:

Go to a Spanish church [ I don't give a monkey's, its MY blog, MY list, MY rules] - Being surrounded by catholic churches every 5 yards, seriously, practically every street has its own church, surprisingly destroys all motivation to find my own denomination, until I worked up the energy to Google , I'd convinced myself pentecostal churches in Spain were an urban legend...not like I could ask anyone I know, they all fall into the non-catholic bracket

Go to Merida, Caceres, Jojo's house in the forest - I could say I didn't have time, but I spent most of the summer weekends completely doped out and exhausted by the heat instead of sitting my behind on a bus with my camera ready to go

Go to Sevilla - I'm going next week to do yet more shopping and sight seeing so that's not too bad

Take photos of the traffic clowns - not kidding, they risk their lives juggling in the busiest roads, and they make my day lol!

Go to a museum - I don't want to pay for it, when I can buy shoes, but there are so many so close, I have to make the most of it and go...

Go to one of the parents' house for dinner - Technically the ball is in their court on this one but, I discipline your kid, teach them English, wipe their bums SEVERAL times a day, wipe their noses, clean out their ears, feed them, cuddle them and basically co-parent them (actually no not really but still) for 9 hours 5 days a week. That and I love the kids so much that a dinner invite is the only thing that could stop me stealing them before I leave! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....haaaaaokayI'mfinished


Go Shopping

This is and will remain an ever pleasant work in progress

[photographic evidence soon come]

Go to Madrid
[photos courtesy of Niamh's camera]

if anyone knows about the flower, THIS is where it began -.-

 In the garden on the loooooooooooooong way to el Palacio de Cristal - pictured below

Pictures don't do justice to this tiny little wonder of Madrid

El Rastro- the biggest and in my opinion one of the best, street markets in Europe

Nightime architecture

El Palacio Real at night

Actually had a field day when we found sweet sweet Primarni

Plenilunio - Shopping centre and a HALF!

Go to Salamanca

[after 4 years since my original trip with college]
Plaza Mayorrrrrrr

La Plazaaaaa

Beautiful Sentiment <3

Inside the most beautiful cathedral

The most scarily lifelike religious artwork, the sculptures actually looked  at you!

Where the Spanish language was formed

In the H&M changing room before I ran up on the checkout with my purchases

Everything was seen from under the brim of my umbrella coz of the weatha

hotel bathroom had good lighting and I had new M.A.C makeup

and an unworn H&M shirt and TopSop jeans

Hall88 Apartahotel, we arrived at 3am with no idea whowhatwhenwherewhy and managed to get a room thanks to Esteban!

This is how I looked most of the day, brolley and camera in hand!

On a final note, the last 2days:

  • went out for a friends bday, instead of staying in bed as per (coincidently where I am now)
  • managed to last a full-ish Spanish night out [11pm to 6am], they went on to another place but some of us (thankfully went home)
  • went to about 4 different places
  • spent 20 euro on shoes I abandoned after 2 hours in favour of flats
  • realised what I already knew (I have no patience for mean bitchy drunks)
  • being sober when everyone else is annoying but necessary as far as I'm concerned
  • I didn't drink lies I tasted mojitos and sipped some desperados, if I'm 100% honest, which may not really matter but once again, MY rules right?
  • having my hair down is not the way forward in a hot club
  • Portuguese people can be really snobby
  • random conversations in Spanish in the ladies bathroom are the way forward - and benefit of being sober enough to participate
That's it, so now I'm nursing my laziness hangover alone in my room, safe from the outside world and frustrations from soooo many events from last night/this morning on the other side of the door.

Everybody wins.

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