Friday 28 February 2014

1 Week Break. It's about that time.

Today was just stressful. Long winded and bleak.


  • My grade 5 & 6's hate my worksheets (the ones I was instructed to make) so now we have to scrap the other ones I've done to make them more "fun" and mix it up.
  • I have to do grammar worksheets for all my groups no instead of music activities because apparently my students aren't being stretched.
  • I need to do more oral comprehension to check my students' understanding of the book they're doing (they all failed the exam - which I was asked to write #shade - and it stands to logic I haven't been stretching them enough, checking they really understand what they've read - they all swore they got it and didn't need to go over it).
  • Everything I've been doing  needs to be re-evaluated.

Obviously I'm exaggerating slightly (and to be clear, I do mean slightly) but I've had enough.
Enough of 8am starts, of primary school and primary school children. 
Enough repeating myself, enough half days spent slumped at a computer desperately getting prep work done.
Enough of adulthood and full time work (says the girl with a 3 day weekend).

All I want is to be enjoying my 20s, running around travelling (not working) like some gap-life trust fund baby trying to "find myself" lol.

I was ready to snap from the boredom and stress of the same thing. 

Spring Break came just in time.

Gwynne's visiting.

Cuba on Saturday. 

Joe & Aimee are driving me to the airport.

Current mood:

It's my day!

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