Friday 27 September 2013

3 1/2 Day Weekennnnnnnnnnnnn-dah!

In the illustrious words of Tamar Braxton


I love teaching so far, I do. BUT. A 3 day weekend, let alone PLUS a 1/2 day is unheard of for me!

SO. Seeing as the drivers are away this weekend, ergo I have no ride, Ima have to brave it and get my behind into Ottawa.

Waiting on other people so I can go do MY shopping is just not the one right now. Trips to the second hand store - don't judge, you ain't been, so you don't know, the one here in Buckingham is LIIIVE - can only do so much!

I need to get a phone - as I'm the only one that doesn't have one....

#awkward #lastandonlyBLACKgirlstanding #clearlyIhavemyprioritiesstraight

And it's one of my keys to the world (aka Canada, for the next 9 months anyways...) as I mentioned in my last post, along with mastering the buses.

That being said..if I chicken out and don't go...don't judge steps OK?

I'm also gonna go get my nails done...1/2 hour trek on foot...the things I do lol....

Tbf though I'm doing it to venture out into Buckingham/L'Ange Gardien (my endz lol) and not take the easy way out by running to the nail shops in Ottawa....

For now anyways....when I'm on a budget please believe I will be hitting them Vietnamese nail bars to hook myself up! Threading is another avenue I need to investigate...tweezing is just long.... #girlproblems

(cut to next morning)

I'm up at 10 on a Friday, feeling grim but ready to take on the world and go do suttin!!!!

Wish me luck kids!!!

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