Wednesday 25 September 2013

The Honeymoon Is OVER

My bubble of harmony, peace, joy, bunny rabbits and rainbows has been well and truly shanked with a needle kids.

Reality is blindingly ugly when you haven't seen it in so long you forget what it looks like kmt.

But it's all good that just means it's time to actually start living and make effort to enjoy myself, I refuse to let this year be a waste or remain stuck in a rut.

There are 3 things I need to do for this to become a reality:

  • Buy a phone - IDC you can' do anything without a phone sometimes, especially in another country. It connects you to the rest of the world (with or without wifi) and stops you from racking up international bills if its from the coutnry of residence - so you done know my parents will appreciate!

Not gonna lie the reason I want one primarily is so I can phone the lady who lives down the road so I can make appointments to get my hair done. And by FAITH one day to phone my canadian/quebecois hairdresser to hook me up with braids, a fresh perm or a trim! Somewhere. Out there. Is the blackwoman who's hands I will trust for the next 9 months....

  • Master the buses. On. My. Ones. - Joe and Amy are the drivers in the group. And they drive the car. In the town where they live 1/2 hour away. So as it stands, in terms of big excursions - i.e. a deeply necessary all day shopping trip to Ottawa NOT spent politely not buying everything in sight and walking away from Forever21 because other people "don't really need to buy that much" and have one bag to their name when I could easily have 20 from my fresh paycheck" - *ahem* unless EVERYONE is going, I ain't going. Those two can drive, Dan has somehow mastered public transport in like, a day (tbf I'm sure I could leave him way up north in inuit territory with a compass and a spoon and somehow he'd be home before me).
  • Find a church that is not Catholic, OAP crusty, stuffy, conservative....or a cult - I don't even care I LOVE going to church on sundays. My church at uni in Manchester - shout out Victory Outreach - was LIIIIIIIVE, my church in London - shout out Rhema Church London - was LIVE. Music forever on point, no acoustic guitar coom-bay-ah with socks and sandles or the oldest woman alive on some broke down organ. Full live band and singers fam! Preaching, teaching, the works I love it all. Anyone that knows me or has lived with me pre-Canada knows it's a given as far as I'm concerned. In my town so far there are 4 churches. A baptist-evangelical (whatever that means), a united church (again, whatever that means) and two with St- Someone names, which I presume are Catholic, one has a giant jesus statue outside so I'm betting that's Catholic. Oh actually five, one is Our Lady of Victory (say no more). Anyone who has even contemplated Christianity knows this is the major hurdle - ALLOW ALL THE DENOMINATION CONFUSION. I know enough to know that Anglican, to ME, is dry, not what I'm looking for. Catholic is not the one - no offence obvs. Pentecostal is the way to go as far as I'm concerned. But. I want to go to a parlent francais church. Narrows my options ridiculously. I'm not about to go tto one and get trapped in to drinking to koolaid so I gotta go about this one with some care. So Ima need bullet points one and two to enlarge my social circle of contacts and aid my search on this one.
So yea. On to the next one. School bright and early tomorrow. The saga continues.....

....and now I feel like Koolaid....damn..*adds it to shopping list*

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