Tuesday 17 September 2013

We In Canada Baby! - Québec To Be Precise


I know. 
I'm probably lucky to just have an individual boy and or girl by now...not even plural...

So let me explain myself.....after so many long months of separation and neglect – after I promised I would get back on this ting- I’ve decided I want to start blogging again.

Now, let me not lie and say it’s because I immediately rediscovered my passion for blogging. That wouldn’t be fair to you (whoever is still reading this, which might just still be me, lets be real). 

I’ve finished uni, which means no exams, no hand-ins. No. More. Dissertation! (Thank you JESUS!), for the rest of this year at least....which meannnnnns...... over summer I had NOTHING to fill my days!

Without that and classes and deadlines I had no motivation to get up in the mornings, and I wasted my days baking, eating, watching TV and basically getting spotty and chubby. No body wants that. Especially with summer on the way. 

Now forgive me but I’ve never been a die hard ‘get that summer body’ girl, or at least, never managed to commit to being that way - sorry, I  hate running with a passion and don’t see the point of going running in high risk areas at the crack of dawn or dead of night, and I love my food too much and I’m a lazy bum anyway - I call myself a 'free spirit'...which basically means I can’t commit to anything for more than a few minutes/hours/days/weeks (IF I’m lucky).

Right, so, to conclude this portion of my announcements:


Hopefully with daily/weekly updates for y’all, and I will endeavour to  put up pictures with every post. Errybody loooooves visual aids!


Back to business.

So...for those of you (singualr or plural I'd rather not know. Ever.) who don't know, my new address is a little farther to the left side of the globe.

All the way across the damn pond to Buckingham Palace (in Quebec)! 

FYI fake Buckingham, not a fake palace! LOOK:


Or at least this is how I'll be living for the next 9 months! I'm an official British Council English Language Assistant (for those of you that don't know, get to know, my name is not Google, your search engine is your #No1 explanation provider). So I'm working in a primary school out in Gatineau (again, your search bar is your friend) with 6-12 year olds. God give me STRENGTH. These kids are not easy.

So basically, when I'm procrastinating class prep, am having a lazy day, don't have a life or something generally marvelous happens Ima update this sucker.

There may even be quebecois french word/expression of the day posts (I can feel your excitement through the screen).

So. I'll end with another picture. 

I call it: 

the reason I don't run in Canada #HighRiskArea #DefinitionOf

Kmt. Lookin like Mufasa mountain lion cousin about to jump out and finish me.

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