Wednesday 18 December 2013

Surrounded by surrogate mums and red velvet cake...... #1stWorldProblems

Today and yesterday have been extremely fruitful. Being the FLA is finally starting to work! No more private pity parties. Yesterday - lift home from the English teacher. Today - ride home from school secretary. Every day so far this week and last (barring late start Tuesdays) ride to school with host mum.


For those of you who don't understand why this is such a big deal. Last week was the beginning of the -20's, this week, -30's. Still don't get it. Refer to my post on wearing crap gloves in -22......

I had an excellent moment in the school office after school with 3 members of staff fawning over me because it is now common knowledge I walk to school in the cold and snow (why they couldn't have discovered this in November is unfortunate lol). Not gonna lie, these women, (and all Quebecois people who get together) have reaaaaally strong accents, so I followed about 60% of what was said. And about 10% when they spoke all at once. But the general consensus involved discussing my winter gear, clarifying that yes I walk, yes it's cold and that is sad and unfortunate for me. Another addition was that at least all that walk is good for my health -obvs the P.E. teacher. But it ended up with me given a free pass to get lifts home after school to ease my pain and frosty strife loool.

Their excuse - they're all mothers, so they worry about me [insert awwws here]. My response - well seeing as I don't have my mum with me atm I could definitely use a few.

Also, I decided to just go all out and bake. I braved an red velvet cupcake recipe, and true to the one critical review I red, them suckers were dry. BUT. Seeing as I love to start following a recipe, then ignore it completely, I took them out of the oven early then smothered them in cream cheese frosting.


Me and dairy aren't even close like that. You will never see me rolling with a cheese toastie/cheese pizza/lone cheese and any carbs.... or fruit (let me not make myself even more ill) - and no offence to those of you who can just back cheese like straight shots of vodka.....good for you lot - you just wont.

Can we have a moment of silent applause for cream cheese frostingggggggggggg-ah!

Anyway, I sprinkled some Christmas colour themed glitter on them, took them to school and left them in the staffroom before lunch with an anonymous secret 'mange-nous' [eat us] sign. Them teachers hovered over those cakes like vultures, then swarmed like discreet little buzzards caving and taking one.

Tbh this is how they looked at the cakes
and how I looked at them for taking one when they couldn't see me lol.

They should be food tasters in my opinion. They gave nothing away, just calmly ate them, and when someone asked they were like - oh yea they're nice. As you can imagine, I maintained my anonymity and kept my calm, reading my little magazine......

My face as they discussed the tastiness of my 'mystery cupcakes'
#MakingFriends #ByAnyMeansNecessary

Came back to the staffroom at the end of the day. Cakes GARN [my attempt at putting my Caribbean accent into written form]. So, if nothing else was said, they were all consumed without complaint, and none were chucked in the bin. SUCCESS!!!

The only downside to this decision. Or any move to bake (I also made Christmas tree cookies that need to be decorated before they are offered as tribute on Thursday) by me - and hopefully others - is the burden of taste testing is a slippery slope. Note to self. Do not use spare red velvet cupcake batter to make a rather flat but still substantial red velvet loaf, then smother it in left over cream cheese...and expect it to go well for me.

So. This has been happening a lot.  -_-

Another exciting addition to my couch potato life (much like the cold war, my war against the winter chubb has taken a turn for the worse...but joy comes in the morning! So in the morning of the new year, the fight will be back on!) has been catching up - as in from season 1 to current - on Made in Chelsea.

I'll give some of you a minute.

Is it that good? YES! Why? Because I cannot believe people live as ridiculously extravagantly as this with no idea of real life or real jobs and how normal people live....that all these 1 and 2 name/syllable pretentious places exist in one area of London.....that different people can commit the same offences against each other but yet be approached with such different (read biased) perspectives.

It's like a massive square-dance, people just keep switching partners, and when everyone has danced with everyone, a few others are dropped into the mix/taken out. Mark-Francis and Victoria are obviously only commentators on this dance.

The only other thing that breaks it up is people exposing their random/sub par talents e.g. speaking foreign languages for no reason, trying to launch or plug their music careers while never appearing in the actual music charts or showcasing some kind of fashion collection to prove that they are employed.

Having gone to an all girls school, their constant warring is NO surprise. However. Louise needs one of those How I Met Your Mother style interventions.....

How Lucy should have handled her business with Louise...

Milly lived the dream I have every episode.

Slap so hard his hair gel lost its grip on life......

One of life's unanswerable questions - why does no one want to wifey Cheska? WHY?!

Final note. Winter Christmas in the chalet with the other ELAs starts this Friday. I'm afraid because with the amount of snow storms coming for Quebec this week and next, winter activities will be inevitable. Which will lead to me, attempting to ski, and ending up looking like this:

Good night.

Sunday 15 December 2013

-22, Hairdressers And Homesickness

Well. Somebody LIEDDDDDDDDD!

Ok, I realise,  after making my semi-dramatic announcement that I would be posting about the bleak section of my week...I forgot to do so. But! You know how I love you (all three of you) so I'll add it in here :)

Warning, this section will inevitably be soppy and involve discussion regarding:

Homesickness came for me hard this week

No joke. It was completely, and utterly peak.

Let me explain why.

I am one of those only children that likes to go on like I'm little Miss Independent - the Ne-yo version [except without the expensive wardrobe, high paying office job and expensive 18inch weaves]- when really I'm the Miss Self-Sufficient Kelly Clarkson kind [without the comatose house party...or...falling in love....#awks] (for those of you feeling nostalgic, click the links and re-live the videos and lyrics). I ran away to a northern uni, run away to foreign countries as far as I can like say my name is Christopher Columbus....and then I wind up acting like him, stranded, wondering why I came here and half out of my mind.

See, I had thought I was well on my way out of Crisis Period and into adaptation, but no, my emotions decided to make me slide back down the curve. As much as I love my weekend escapades, it comes at a cost. 3 weeks of no family Skype time. Emails and Whatsapp can only go so far. I literally needed some face time, a voice recording, something. Walking to work is long, in more ways than one. It gives me too much time to think, and with my birthday and Christmas coming up (as much as I love them both) it made me realise what I'd be missing:

  • No mum & dad time
  • No 2 Christmas day  dinners (mum's house and then grandma's, I go to both sides of my family)
  • No traditional Caribbean ackee and saltfish,  fried bacon dumplings, calaloo and fried plantain breakfast (which we've been doing since my other grandad was still alive)
  • No big present exchange
  • No squishy baby cousins
  • No frustration/monopoly tournaments
  • No goose, no duck
  • No rum cake
  • No 5am Boxing Day shopping with my friends/aunty
  • No disappointing NYE with friends/family

The list goes on but the end result, inevitably was this:

Luckily I kept it together till I made it to the bathroom at school.

I just kept thinking about it too much, getting weepy in the staffroom at lunch like fool. Whatsapping my friends and my mum acting like I was about to buy a flight home. But. Regardless of their support of my wanting to come home for Christmas, my parents never raised a quitter. So. I went to the bathroom, had my moment, got me some tissue, pulled it together...

And I went back to work. Like a grown-up :)

I held out, did what I had to do and today, I Skyped my parents, my cousins and aunt and uncle. That's all I needed, to see and hear them, and I guess to let my self feel like poo and admit I missed them for a few days. Luckily my tears had dried by today so I didn't give them cause to worry....and I may have done a little payday retail therapy yesterday to take the edge off....

Anyway, Skyping with my little cousin (16 y.o.) who's just started college gave me the most jokes by far, which was definitely just what the doctor ordered lol.

Snippets from a Skype convo with my cousin Taisha:

"Mum, let's do this, spud me!"

*she extends her hand off screen. Teeth are kissed and silence follows...*

"Nah, she never spudded me..."

"You think? You must feel like egg innit?"

*We both crack up for 5 minutes*

"I slyly thought she was gonna spud me for a second, you know, heat of the moment and that..."

*I laugh at her some more*


"You know I'm gonna put you in my blog now..."

"Why? Because I'm (puts on yardie rapper voice) too hot for ya! Too hot for ya! Let me cool ya down!"

*She blows into the an eediat.....*


Obviously this is one of those you just had to BE there moments but still, the point stands. I love my family so much! Always giving me jokes without fail!

Moving swiftly on...

Let me tell you about going on a shopping trip in snow and -22.....

If you are not currently a FLA (Foreign Language Assistant) in Canada, or Russia or somewhere with the equivalent level of  cold, you're probably thinking

-22 and this girl wants to go out shopping

You're right but still....
Out here it's kind of a when in Rome situation, and for these Stone Cold Canadians, life goes on. It's not -30 or lower yet (I was gonna put a + but obviously that would be contradictory lol) so everyday errands etc are still feasible.  Parents always say teenagers are stupid and refuse to wrap up warm when necessary so they can "look cute" and whatnot. Well. Out here is no different, only in -22 no one should care whether you look nice or not. It's too cold for your boyfriend to just be rockin' a hoody like it's a mild autumn day. It's too cold for you to even part your hair and expose your scalp to the elements with no hat to your name really. But hey, what do I know. 

I bundle up as best I can and hit the road. One problem - I'm wearing Primark quality gloves. That leads to fingers burning inside said gloves. Carrying heavy shopping and walking home in said cold weather means after burning fingers, circulation leaves your hands and even when you make it home and take of your gloves, your fingers are stuck in the claw shape you used to carry your bags and will not unfurl until circulation returns. Let that be the last time I wear inferior gloves. Toes and face being frosty I can just about manage. But cold hands is just too much!

I left my house at 9:30am, got back at 11:25pm......

I had to go all the way to Ottawa to find (the only existing) a reputable black hairdresser, because my situation was dire. Milkmaid braids and braid-outs can only get you so far in this freezing weather. So I booked myself a 5pm appointment while my bank account could take it. With 5 and a 1/2 hours to kill, I went shopping and Starbucks-ing. Bought my Secret Santa for the Christmas Chalet week with the assistants, some much needed foundation, some not so necessary eyebrow pencil, some highly unnecessary red Christmassy lipstick and my free (and therefore ofc mandatory) birthday gift from Sephora. For all the money they take from me, freebies is the least they can do. I spoke to a lovely Makeup Forever MUA (makeup artist) called Melody/Melanie who helped my try out lippies, discussed this ridiculous weather and her desire for a romantic (kids free) weekend in London. I obviously told her summer was her best shot at nice weather lol, but at least our fake cold weather wouldn't be an issue for her or her family. 

I also bought my dream (read painfully expensive but necessary) winter coat which will be travelling back to the UK with me (Manchester, come at me bro! I'm ready!). I love the winter gear that has been donated to me but, not only can I not take them home, those Lilly Whites luminous blue and black camping coats are more practical than stylish....

Money was also spent in Forever21. I need jumpers and jeans. That is all.

Finally, my hair appointment. I got there before 5. But, baring in mind, it's -22, snowing, and this is a black hair salon. You know the odds were not "ever in my favour". One of the stylists went home sick. And the last two customers before me were weaves. Anyone who knows about weaves knows that that's at least an hour wait. At the same time, if you miss your appointment slot, and the person after you is ready, waiting, has her hair and money to pay, you will be skipped. #Politics

I made it into her chair at 7pm, left at 8:30pm. Not too bad considering when she permed my hair there was no scalp protector involved (believe I said a prayer when she applied the relaxer, can't afford no chemical burns or bald patches! Or a  year's worth of good wigs or weaves for that matter). But everything went well. Until she pulled out the straighteners.

The end result had me looking like Aibleen Clark's work wig on The Help:

But. At the end of the day. I got my coat. Got my MAC. Got my hair done - FINALLY. And had family time.

I can't ask for more than that.

Have a good Sunday everyone.


Thursday 12 December 2013



I'm almost 2 weeks behind with posts so lets get this show on the road shall we? 

- FYI there is a slight sad/bleak element to this post, so, to compensate (as this much weepiness makes me feel uncomfortable) there will be several gifs involved. Maybe some photos too -

End announcements.

Most significant events from last week:


This. Woman.

Just. WHY?

I swear, this class is becoming more and more of a suicide mission. Not only is trekking up and downhill in the snow elongating and endangering my journey time, the instructor is going IN with these routines. Not only did she try 2 new routines, she brang out Proud Mary! Now. For anyone who doesn't know the song, go YouTube that Tina Turner hit. The rest of you that know, understand that doing this in the middle of a fitness class was an attempt on all our lives. Not gonna lie, when the tune (pronounced, choon lol) picked up, and the pace with it, it almost took me out. Then is weird thing happened. As much as it was kiiiiilling me, I started to like the feeling.... I'm guessing it was that nirvana moment that makes all these 2013 #EatClean #GymTanLaundry #BeastMode people instagram pictures like:


Should I count this as progress? Thankfully that was last class of the season till January so maybe post NY and new year pay day I'll finally get the guts/energy to sign my life away to GymMax. We'll see.

NYC Driveby 

It is actually long to post about the hi's and lows of our (LBG) 5 minute stop in NY so I'll just inculde the highlights:

  • We left at 4am and didn't reach NY till 6pm. (^) - Peak.
  • When we got there, we were stuck in the rain trying to get the landlady to let us in. (^^^^^^^^^^^^)
  • First outing of the night was Time Square in the rain. It was the opposite of breathtaking.
  • Daytime outing included Washington Sq Park and Central Park, Greenwhich Village, Grand Central Station.
  • Got jumped over by stunt men/street performers in W Sq Park. Yea.
  • Time Square when it's dry is unbelievable (in the good way).
  • In my opinion the chapel at Ground Zero is the most important building to survive 9/11. How anyone can go there and not leave touched/inspired/choked up or feeling something profound is beyond me.
  • On the way home we got a flat tire. Stranded at the side of the road (^)!
  • Had to get tire changed at Sears.
  • Kind strangers changed said flat, took us to and waited with us @ Sears then showed us how to get home.
  • We left at 12pm, got home at 1am

Summary of how I felt Sunday night/Monday morning:


So. Considering I reached home at 1am, the tone for this week was set. In stone cold concrete.

Every morning so far this week:

#SideNote I am SO happy I found a gif of my girl! This is gonna get rinsed!
Working with the new supply teacher (who will be here till mid JANUARY) is fine because she's lovely, but these childrennnnnnn-ah! Their behaviour is just #LongForMan honestly, shouting and screaming is fun, but not effective once the shock value is gone.  The boys are the worst. In grade 5 & 6 when I raise my voice now they totally undermine my high volume authority.

Oooo Miss Monique is maaaaad!

However, in favour of gender equality it's also necessary for me to add - some of these neck-rollin' little quebecois girls are getting on my nerves. I'm trying to give instructions/teach them something and they're just looking at me like:

Who are you though? Where is Miss Renee?

They have no shame. Either when the sub tells them to be quiet, or when I do and I'm right in front of them, they turn to their little cronies pulling faces like:

I can practially hear the whatevers ringing in my ears. I WISH they were bilingual, or I new how to get my point across in French because I'm seriously feeling to pull some of these little Regina George's to the side and let them know.

Don't try me! The only reason I haven't sent you out is
because you need to stay so you can learn something!

 Seriously. They have English class at the same time, on the same day every week. It will always and for ever be (e.g.) Wednesday, making yesterday Tuesday and tomorrow Thursday. The whole class repeats the date all together time and again. So why, when the sub decides to mix it up and ask individuals are they looking at the calendar like they're trying to blag their way out of a failing eye test?!

The only upside to this week has been unveiling my Christmas wonderland creation - my newly decorated classroom. I even spent money on tinsel, holiday stickers, bells etc. Please believe me when I say the entirety of GLEE's Christmas album discography playlist on YouTube has been on rotation every day this week. And ofc shall be next week. In true #JoyByForce fashion I greeted every class (especially the first period of the day/ grade 1 & 2 - always a good crowd) with remixed hits of Jingle Bells, All I Want For Christmas and Deck the Rooftop (unlike Miley's album these tunes are actually bangers) looking at them epectantly  discreetly waiting for that holiday spirit:

Judge me not people! Today, in my last class with grade 3/4 my dream was realised. I offered to play some Christmas music while they worked on their projects (had to scratch that GLEE itch), and one of my lovelies asked if she could put on her playlist instead. MY GIRL!! Mariah - All I Want For Christmas first and then Santa Claus Is Coming to Town! She clearly knew about life, restoring my faith in her generation. I had a little rifle through the lineup and of course I had to put on DC's Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Before you judge, hit play, ^ look up at the gif ^ and let the beat do it's work lol.

It was perfect! They all swayed from side to side when they recognised the song. 

Then the beat dropped.

Queue head bobbing and shoulders involuntarily pumping as they continued to work in silence, secret smiles on their faces. And Miss Monique secretly dancing away around the classroom/behind their backs. Victory smirk on my face lol.

^ Me ^
The icing on the cake from this rags to riches week was my first Christmas gift from a student. One of the kids in my bilingual group gave me a handmade crocheted (sp?) Christmas ornament - a red snowflake if you're wondering - courtesy of her grandma. I don't even care. I felt amazing. Ofc on the outside I kept my composure, made some strained awwwing noise and gave my babes a cuddle and then went about my business (after secretly IGing the photo).

Secretly inside: OMD one of my students genuinely likes me!!!
It doesn't take much to make me feel loved lol. And who doesn't love some attention, even if it is from a kid who's only known you for four months. At least she and her grandma know the power of Christmas cheer and it's not just me.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Seriously, Monday is becoming a butters, bitter, leftover aftertaste in my mouth....

My weekends are so eventful these days - Oh! and blisteringly cold, can't forget that- that my weekdays, particularly les Lundis, just can't compare and become gruelling obstacles between my last great escapade and the next.

Although I gotta admit.

The fact that my epic weekends eat up my Sunday, leaving me no time to plan. And my Thursday night/Friday mornings are a write off, spent sleeping off the week...leading on to no planning being done then either......

I need to get my life in order....

Aaaaand go to bed at a reasonable time, starting now.

But before I go:

This little boy is giving me everything right now! Bringing that #JoyByForce extra hard. 
I dare you, ^click the link ^ and see if you don't love him! 

Sunday 1 December 2013

So...we chaperoned a disco, went to Montreal, ate some ethnic food, saw some drug dealers...normal quebecois weekend...

Ok. Obviously more explanation is needed. So first I'll do a recap of my week:

The temperatures have dropped. And when I say dropped. I mean dropped. This week we had the first snowfall, a charming calf high blanket that turned my hilly forest walk to a slip n' slide deathtrap climb in the woods. Yes I fell once. That is all.

Had my first taste of -16, followed by -20...never in all my life....have I been this cold! And it's only the beginning! What is my life becoming?! Canadian. That's what.

School has been a nightmare as the English teacher I work with is going off sick for 4/5 weeks so this week was a mad rush of plans, prep and briefings as well as getting ready for CHRISTMAS!!!

Oh sweet, sweet beautiful holy grail of all festive holidays! Birth of the Saviour, cookies, dinners, gift giving, family (waaaaa I miss mine already!), friends, love, peace, joy, SINGINGGGGG!! I could literally go on, forever! And plus - MY BDAY!!!! #Woiii

This is also an exciting development for me as it will be my first joint birthday ever spent without my usual bday twin - my cousin Jacob, born same date, 1 year apart, same time, 1am and 1pm [freaky, right?] - instead it will be with the lovely Leanne, another LBG member in La Chute (google if you wanna know her location) who I also share some funny similarities with at times (namely the day we discovered we were bday twins and craved the same foods at lunch and dinner etc lol). So that'll be fun!

To compensate for my teacher's absence and what I'm feeling might be a worrying lack of Christmas spirit, I'm hoping to transform the classroom into a grotto of joy - this word has taken on new meaning and significance in my life since the 1st of December lol - so fingers crossed all goes well!

To all you grinches out there, you can all just swerve out my way and out my face as I bring the joy!

 This message will also be relayed to any and every grinch found in any of my classes over the next 3 weeks.
My new favourite hashtag for school: #JoyByForce

These poor kids. I'm planning playlists and everything as we speak. None of this cartoon character crap. They will be getting ballads, covers, classics, remixes, mashups, medleys, whatever I can get away with really.

Everyone knows, from the first of December, all bets are off, honey.

I admit though, festive coloured weaves are a step too far.....
but sequins, metalics, santa/elf colours and garish jewellery will all be featuring in my wardrobe very soon.


Supervised a school disco in St. Andre with Joe and Aimee and Dan this weekend. Tbh me and Dan begged for this opportunity because we wanted to get in on all the disco lols we heard about from the last one. I personally wanted to meet/see all of the secondary school kids I've heard so much about and catch some joke -jokes that I'm deprived of in my small-town, primary school assistant life lol, children are so uneventful. They played some very non-child disco tracks too, things that I would have danced to in my 18+ uni freshers days, lots of Pitbull (yes, Culo was played), Ke$ha and other house/pop/club was weird seeing a bunch of 8-16 year olds tear up the floor to this. But it made me remember how fun it was to be that age, when you were old enough to likelike the opposite sex but not brave enough to do anything about it, and just danced with your friends in tight groups performing routines. And then there were those mavericks who managed to get a slowdance towards the end of the night - hilarious to see. Another thing that made me feel special was seeing one of my kids there! I know not his name -awkward - but he's not in my bilingual group so I haven't taught him and his class fully yet, but I'd know his face anywhere lol. I can't wait to chaperone [I love that word lol] another one (spying on kids and their party antics is hilarious!).

After that we ventured to Montreal the next day. Not really sure why. But we went lol. We had what me and Joe refer to (or what I call it when I talk to Joe lol) as an ethnic food day. FYI Joe is half Libyan and I'm 2nd/3rd gen. Jamaican so we like to have a little #ethnicpeopleproblems connection time every now and again, and generally discuss race etc. Oh life. But yea, after nothing but regular North American/Canadian/Quebecois food, which is more sugar and fat, rather than spice and flavour based, we had Vietnamese food (SO GOOD) for lunch and Indian for dinner(how I've missed korma so). It was just nice being united with all these aromas and flavours that are so readily available at home, but we're so deprived of here. London, you sweet, multicultural paradise you, for all your problems, you do alright with cultural integration and amalgamation when it comes to food.

We did do a fair bit of thrift shopping - the best pastime when in search of winter necessities! - and I left with a grandad cardigan and a bow tie I am convinced was calling my name. Now to create an occasion and outfit to wear it with/for.

The Spanish bookshop was another happy discovery, got to shake the dust of my espanglish and bought some holiday turrón! Just, chocolate/caramel/almond/hazelnut/buttery goodness really! Gotta try not to polish of my minis goody bag!

We went to Jean-Drapeau park and froze our toes off to get a riverside view of the city and snow. And went on walks all over. Walking up some steps towards a monument/in search of a bus stop. 3 guys dotted around in winter jackets start going:

Got that weed n****

In my head I was somewhere between here (above) and here (below).

[I'm not even gonna deal with this again, I was ready to blacklist Monty with QC right then and there, seriously, why are the big cities with actual diversity to their names the ones that wear racism on their sleeves?]. Obviously I thought, must have walked in on some kind of private joke between the three of them. Nope. Weed n****. Weed. Coke. Cocaine. Crack cocaine.

Erm, I'm sorry. What? Is this life? Drug dealers out in broad day in Montreal?

 Smh and Lord have mercy. Times are hard in this life.

So yeah. That was Montreal. Today was spent at a Christmas market in La Chute where I ended up buying more for me than for family and friends - my excuse is that they're not really arts/crafts/herbal/natural/organic/preserves produce kinds of people. In the end I bought:

  • Baklava (another #EthnicFoodDay hit from a previous trip to an Afghan restaurant)
  • Cinnamon honey (this winter sickness needs to fall back, so Ima fight with tea!)
  • Lamb sausages (the free samples convinced meeee)
So. A random but fruitful weekend.

Wish me luck for this week! If you want to know my feelings towards this coming week check my previous post on Mondays....that little girl speaks my feelings truthfully.

*turns up worship music playlist, proceeds to chill and mentally prepare for Monday*
