Thursday 12 December 2013



I'm almost 2 weeks behind with posts so lets get this show on the road shall we? 

- FYI there is a slight sad/bleak element to this post, so, to compensate (as this much weepiness makes me feel uncomfortable) there will be several gifs involved. Maybe some photos too -

End announcements.

Most significant events from last week:


This. Woman.

Just. WHY?

I swear, this class is becoming more and more of a suicide mission. Not only is trekking up and downhill in the snow elongating and endangering my journey time, the instructor is going IN with these routines. Not only did she try 2 new routines, she brang out Proud Mary! Now. For anyone who doesn't know the song, go YouTube that Tina Turner hit. The rest of you that know, understand that doing this in the middle of a fitness class was an attempt on all our lives. Not gonna lie, when the tune (pronounced, choon lol) picked up, and the pace with it, it almost took me out. Then is weird thing happened. As much as it was kiiiiilling me, I started to like the feeling.... I'm guessing it was that nirvana moment that makes all these 2013 #EatClean #GymTanLaundry #BeastMode people instagram pictures like:


Should I count this as progress? Thankfully that was last class of the season till January so maybe post NY and new year pay day I'll finally get the guts/energy to sign my life away to GymMax. We'll see.

NYC Driveby 

It is actually long to post about the hi's and lows of our (LBG) 5 minute stop in NY so I'll just inculde the highlights:

  • We left at 4am and didn't reach NY till 6pm. (^) - Peak.
  • When we got there, we were stuck in the rain trying to get the landlady to let us in. (^^^^^^^^^^^^)
  • First outing of the night was Time Square in the rain. It was the opposite of breathtaking.
  • Daytime outing included Washington Sq Park and Central Park, Greenwhich Village, Grand Central Station.
  • Got jumped over by stunt men/street performers in W Sq Park. Yea.
  • Time Square when it's dry is unbelievable (in the good way).
  • In my opinion the chapel at Ground Zero is the most important building to survive 9/11. How anyone can go there and not leave touched/inspired/choked up or feeling something profound is beyond me.
  • On the way home we got a flat tire. Stranded at the side of the road (^)!
  • Had to get tire changed at Sears.
  • Kind strangers changed said flat, took us to and waited with us @ Sears then showed us how to get home.
  • We left at 12pm, got home at 1am

Summary of how I felt Sunday night/Monday morning:


So. Considering I reached home at 1am, the tone for this week was set. In stone cold concrete.

Every morning so far this week:

#SideNote I am SO happy I found a gif of my girl! This is gonna get rinsed!
Working with the new supply teacher (who will be here till mid JANUARY) is fine because she's lovely, but these childrennnnnnn-ah! Their behaviour is just #LongForMan honestly, shouting and screaming is fun, but not effective once the shock value is gone.  The boys are the worst. In grade 5 & 6 when I raise my voice now they totally undermine my high volume authority.

Oooo Miss Monique is maaaaad!

However, in favour of gender equality it's also necessary for me to add - some of these neck-rollin' little quebecois girls are getting on my nerves. I'm trying to give instructions/teach them something and they're just looking at me like:

Who are you though? Where is Miss Renee?

They have no shame. Either when the sub tells them to be quiet, or when I do and I'm right in front of them, they turn to their little cronies pulling faces like:

I can practially hear the whatevers ringing in my ears. I WISH they were bilingual, or I new how to get my point across in French because I'm seriously feeling to pull some of these little Regina George's to the side and let them know.

Don't try me! The only reason I haven't sent you out is
because you need to stay so you can learn something!

 Seriously. They have English class at the same time, on the same day every week. It will always and for ever be (e.g.) Wednesday, making yesterday Tuesday and tomorrow Thursday. The whole class repeats the date all together time and again. So why, when the sub decides to mix it up and ask individuals are they looking at the calendar like they're trying to blag their way out of a failing eye test?!

The only upside to this week has been unveiling my Christmas wonderland creation - my newly decorated classroom. I even spent money on tinsel, holiday stickers, bells etc. Please believe me when I say the entirety of GLEE's Christmas album discography playlist on YouTube has been on rotation every day this week. And ofc shall be next week. In true #JoyByForce fashion I greeted every class (especially the first period of the day/ grade 1 & 2 - always a good crowd) with remixed hits of Jingle Bells, All I Want For Christmas and Deck the Rooftop (unlike Miley's album these tunes are actually bangers) looking at them epectantly  discreetly waiting for that holiday spirit:

Judge me not people! Today, in my last class with grade 3/4 my dream was realised. I offered to play some Christmas music while they worked on their projects (had to scratch that GLEE itch), and one of my lovelies asked if she could put on her playlist instead. MY GIRL!! Mariah - All I Want For Christmas first and then Santa Claus Is Coming to Town! She clearly knew about life, restoring my faith in her generation. I had a little rifle through the lineup and of course I had to put on DC's Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Before you judge, hit play, ^ look up at the gif ^ and let the beat do it's work lol.

It was perfect! They all swayed from side to side when they recognised the song. 

Then the beat dropped.

Queue head bobbing and shoulders involuntarily pumping as they continued to work in silence, secret smiles on their faces. And Miss Monique secretly dancing away around the classroom/behind their backs. Victory smirk on my face lol.

^ Me ^
The icing on the cake from this rags to riches week was my first Christmas gift from a student. One of the kids in my bilingual group gave me a handmade crocheted (sp?) Christmas ornament - a red snowflake if you're wondering - courtesy of her grandma. I don't even care. I felt amazing. Ofc on the outside I kept my composure, made some strained awwwing noise and gave my babes a cuddle and then went about my business (after secretly IGing the photo).

Secretly inside: OMD one of my students genuinely likes me!!!
It doesn't take much to make me feel loved lol. And who doesn't love some attention, even if it is from a kid who's only known you for four months. At least she and her grandma know the power of Christmas cheer and it's not just me.

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