Sunday 29 September 2013

Only Black Girl In The World (can we take a moment for my overstatement...)

M'kay. Before y'all judge that I'm exaggerating/remind me I'm out in Quebec and decided to be here blah blah blah buh blehhhhh.....

LET me tell you how I spent my day today.

NOT exploring Ottawa like a badman as I had originally intended (that has been postponed to tomorrow).

I decided to put on my Yes Man Hat and accept an invitation to go and watch a tractor ploughing contest. I kid you not. I fully went.

Believe I changed my clothes, ratty t-shirt, house jeans and walkin shoes (my comfy sneakers, be real I don't own no CATs). My Ottawa outfit will re-emerge tomorrow coz trekkin through the mud and whatever....#AintNobodyGotTimeFoThat

Anyways. Pre farm/field trip we had to swing by the golf course real quick. Let me just make it clear that you cannot 'swing by' anywhere out here, even in a car that still means a good 10 minute drive or more. BUT. My God. It was beauuuuuuuuuuutiful! Autumn out here is next levels, big ol' tall trees all orange and red and brown. It's like going from amateur weather to professional, like I've never seen autumn - or rather fall (kmt) - before.

SO. This golf course is waaaaay out in the woods, by a lake, its some out of town getaway thing. TOOOOO beautiful! No black people. Just saying. I knew this. You lot know this. But still. Felt a little like the beautymark on Marylin's face loool.

But yea, so we saw alladat, then we went walking to the owners' (who happens to be related to our host family - YES!) house. Literally overlooking the lake - which was big as hell- with a JACUZZI. OML. Belive  nobody was home and that thing was still on. MONAAAAAAY. You KNOW they got money loool! They also run a B&B chalet thingy out in Montremblant (caring if my spelling is wrong....) with a spa! You KNOW Ima be visiting!!!

After that, we go to this tractor-fest thing....

WELL. Marylin's face got a WHOOOOOOOOOOLE lot bigger.......I'm talking just all middle aged and old dudes in baseball caps and jeans. Tractors all around. Even horses with ploughs. No joke.

Hear this: the aim is to plough about a rectangle size piece of land with your tractor or horses and keep it straight and even.......that's the, women and children's categories......

YES. This is life.

There were alpacas, and stalls.

So I bought some loot...buttons, facemask....ate some munchies...then the country music started.....then we went home.....

It was an interesting day. At least I can say I tried new things. I'm looking forward to my invite to the jacuzzi lake house and the spa.....tractor contest............Wellllll.......

Anywho, now it's time for some school prep, scripture (YES.), some lemon thriller tea (this tea is DOING IT for me now), burritos (with my homemade guac) and a movie before bed.

Tomorrow we gonna press play on my Ottawa adventure....

#Selfie actin stupid cause I'm catching so much sun out here! #HiddenSummer

Friday 27 September 2013

3 1/2 Day Weekennnnnnnnnnnnn-dah!

In the illustrious words of Tamar Braxton


I love teaching so far, I do. BUT. A 3 day weekend, let alone PLUS a 1/2 day is unheard of for me!

SO. Seeing as the drivers are away this weekend, ergo I have no ride, Ima have to brave it and get my behind into Ottawa.

Waiting on other people so I can go do MY shopping is just not the one right now. Trips to the second hand store - don't judge, you ain't been, so you don't know, the one here in Buckingham is LIIIVE - can only do so much!

I need to get a phone - as I'm the only one that doesn't have one....

#awkward #lastandonlyBLACKgirlstanding #clearlyIhavemyprioritiesstraight

And it's one of my keys to the world (aka Canada, for the next 9 months anyways...) as I mentioned in my last post, along with mastering the buses.

That being said..if I chicken out and don't go...don't judge steps OK?

I'm also gonna go get my nails done...1/2 hour trek on foot...the things I do lol....

Tbf though I'm doing it to venture out into Buckingham/L'Ange Gardien (my endz lol) and not take the easy way out by running to the nail shops in Ottawa....

For now anyways....when I'm on a budget please believe I will be hitting them Vietnamese nail bars to hook myself up! Threading is another avenue I need to investigate...tweezing is just long.... #girlproblems

(cut to next morning)

I'm up at 10 on a Friday, feeling grim but ready to take on the world and go do suttin!!!!

Wish me luck kids!!!

Wednesday 25 September 2013

The Honeymoon Is OVER

My bubble of harmony, peace, joy, bunny rabbits and rainbows has been well and truly shanked with a needle kids.

Reality is blindingly ugly when you haven't seen it in so long you forget what it looks like kmt.

But it's all good that just means it's time to actually start living and make effort to enjoy myself, I refuse to let this year be a waste or remain stuck in a rut.

There are 3 things I need to do for this to become a reality:

  • Buy a phone - IDC you can' do anything without a phone sometimes, especially in another country. It connects you to the rest of the world (with or without wifi) and stops you from racking up international bills if its from the coutnry of residence - so you done know my parents will appreciate!

Not gonna lie the reason I want one primarily is so I can phone the lady who lives down the road so I can make appointments to get my hair done. And by FAITH one day to phone my canadian/quebecois hairdresser to hook me up with braids, a fresh perm or a trim! Somewhere. Out there. Is the blackwoman who's hands I will trust for the next 9 months....

  • Master the buses. On. My. Ones. - Joe and Amy are the drivers in the group. And they drive the car. In the town where they live 1/2 hour away. So as it stands, in terms of big excursions - i.e. a deeply necessary all day shopping trip to Ottawa NOT spent politely not buying everything in sight and walking away from Forever21 because other people "don't really need to buy that much" and have one bag to their name when I could easily have 20 from my fresh paycheck" - *ahem* unless EVERYONE is going, I ain't going. Those two can drive, Dan has somehow mastered public transport in like, a day (tbf I'm sure I could leave him way up north in inuit territory with a compass and a spoon and somehow he'd be home before me).
  • Find a church that is not Catholic, OAP crusty, stuffy, conservative....or a cult - I don't even care I LOVE going to church on sundays. My church at uni in Manchester - shout out Victory Outreach - was LIIIIIIIVE, my church in London - shout out Rhema Church London - was LIVE. Music forever on point, no acoustic guitar coom-bay-ah with socks and sandles or the oldest woman alive on some broke down organ. Full live band and singers fam! Preaching, teaching, the works I love it all. Anyone that knows me or has lived with me pre-Canada knows it's a given as far as I'm concerned. In my town so far there are 4 churches. A baptist-evangelical (whatever that means), a united church (again, whatever that means) and two with St- Someone names, which I presume are Catholic, one has a giant jesus statue outside so I'm betting that's Catholic. Oh actually five, one is Our Lady of Victory (say no more). Anyone who has even contemplated Christianity knows this is the major hurdle - ALLOW ALL THE DENOMINATION CONFUSION. I know enough to know that Anglican, to ME, is dry, not what I'm looking for. Catholic is not the one - no offence obvs. Pentecostal is the way to go as far as I'm concerned. But. I want to go to a parlent francais church. Narrows my options ridiculously. I'm not about to go tto one and get trapped in to drinking to koolaid so I gotta go about this one with some care. So Ima need bullet points one and two to enlarge my social circle of contacts and aid my search on this one.
So yea. On to the next one. School bright and early tomorrow. The saga continues.....

....and now I feel like Koolaid....damn..*adds it to shopping list*

Monday 23 September 2013

So....I Went Flippin' Apple Pickin'!

I can practically hear the streets of Catford and Penge where I spent my childhood and adolescence crying either with laughter or with sorrow. Kmt.

Go ahead. Revoke my Oyster! Take away my ballet flats and just give me a pair of wellies.

I'm turning into some nature loving farm girl out here! Apparently Aleksey Vayner was right - Impossible Is Nothing.

I VOLUNTARILY took my two foot and walked my good-good sneakers (oh yeah, even my vocab has been poisoned) in the mud- YES, you heard - and went and picked apples off literal, physical trees instead of a supermarket shelf. I even ate some without washing them. Was even out in the rain, no hood or hat.

If there is a black girl/person reading this you know that this just got REAL if my headpiece is out in the rain and I don't care and I'm just eating nature with no suspicion!

Tbf though it was like spitting/drizzling so I could firm it.

My backside even road in the back of a tractor like a BADMAN!

I'll just admit it. I had fun dammit. I don't even care.

Now, I don't know Ima consume what is approximately a JD Sports bag full of big booty lookin apples (as you can see, my measurements and approximations still remain firmly in Londonese). 

But it looks like Ima have to resort to making apple tarts, gallettes (Oh My LIFE! Google these sexy creations and get you soooooome! They're like oatmeal cake/cookies with apple chunks, these and a cuppa-cha with Close The Door playing in the back on a cold winter's day would be enough to get me comatosely relaxed). Go ahead, press play, listen and feel the vibe while I continue to type.

Recipe ideas me and Le Bonne Gang (what me, my flatmate Dan, Aimee and Joe who live 1/2 hour away, have dubbed ourselves because we're just sick like that) have come up with includes crumble and ofc candied apples - a necessary activity in support of Fall and Halloween festivities obviously.

On that note, I'd like to add.

The struggle is REAL. I'm fighting a losing battle against the chubb it seems.

Between apple cakes, beaver tails, waffles, pecan pie and ice cream, peanut butter cheesecake and whatever else we usually consume when the Gang is ensemble, I don't stand a chance. My only comfort so far is that Joe eats as much as I do and enjoys all the bad stuff with me, always one I can count on to get chunky with me lol. But alas as I'm not 6 foot whatever and don't have the same levels of testosterone (thankfully ofc) or whatever the scientific explanation is, I will just remain short and heavy loool. #BLEAK #PEAK #BADTIMES and whatever other hashtags can mock the hopelessness of my affliction.


In the spirit of going crazy and doing things I never would, I am going gym hunting this week. Putting a stop to the madness aka making sure I get my money's worth out of the Old Navy gym gear I actually allowed myself to spend money on.

So far in the Battle of the Chubb or the Chubby Wars, Canada is winning, but its only month 1/9 so game on....

Note to self - post about the failed night out in Ottawa, how I evaporated my first pay in 3 days and how some of my pupils clearly don't rate my life (y'all can take this as a coming soon announcement lol).

I'll end with another shock. Everyone that knows me or is afro caribbean themselves know that we do not consider or even use the word picnic in the same way as everyone else. There will always and forever be hot food, meat, rice etc, otherwise we're not involved. Well today I even had a quebecois picnic with the family we live with (they invited us apple picking in the first place - please, you thought I'd go of my own volition? Baby, no).
See that plate. No. Hot. Food. Involved.

And it was actually banging! These people can cook some food!! Being in Yes Man mode has its benefits lol.  Anyway, I'm gonna get ready for school tomorrow so laters!

#Selfie because I'm so utterly attractive getting my #5aday

Tuesday 17 September 2013

We In Canada Baby! - Québec To Be Precise


I know. 
I'm probably lucky to just have an individual boy and or girl by now...not even plural...

So let me explain myself.....after so many long months of separation and neglect – after I promised I would get back on this ting- I’ve decided I want to start blogging again.

Now, let me not lie and say it’s because I immediately rediscovered my passion for blogging. That wouldn’t be fair to you (whoever is still reading this, which might just still be me, lets be real). 

I’ve finished uni, which means no exams, no hand-ins. No. More. Dissertation! (Thank you JESUS!), for the rest of this year at least....which meannnnnns...... over summer I had NOTHING to fill my days!

Without that and classes and deadlines I had no motivation to get up in the mornings, and I wasted my days baking, eating, watching TV and basically getting spotty and chubby. No body wants that. Especially with summer on the way. 

Now forgive me but I’ve never been a die hard ‘get that summer body’ girl, or at least, never managed to commit to being that way - sorry, I  hate running with a passion and don’t see the point of going running in high risk areas at the crack of dawn or dead of night, and I love my food too much and I’m a lazy bum anyway - I call myself a 'free spirit'...which basically means I can’t commit to anything for more than a few minutes/hours/days/weeks (IF I’m lucky).

Right, so, to conclude this portion of my announcements:


Hopefully with daily/weekly updates for y’all, and I will endeavour to  put up pictures with every post. Errybody loooooves visual aids!


Back to business.

So...for those of you (singualr or plural I'd rather not know. Ever.) who don't know, my new address is a little farther to the left side of the globe.

All the way across the damn pond to Buckingham Palace (in Quebec)! 

FYI fake Buckingham, not a fake palace! LOOK:


Or at least this is how I'll be living for the next 9 months! I'm an official British Council English Language Assistant (for those of you that don't know, get to know, my name is not Google, your search engine is your #No1 explanation provider). So I'm working in a primary school out in Gatineau (again, your search bar is your friend) with 6-12 year olds. God give me STRENGTH. These kids are not easy.

So basically, when I'm procrastinating class prep, am having a lazy day, don't have a life or something generally marvelous happens Ima update this sucker.

There may even be quebecois french word/expression of the day posts (I can feel your excitement through the screen).

So. I'll end with another picture. 

I call it: 

the reason I don't run in Canada #HighRiskArea #DefinitionOf

Kmt. Lookin like Mufasa mountain lion cousin about to jump out and finish me.